Set up a dynamic input filter in a report (App)

App > Analytics > Set up a dynamic input filter in a report (App)

This document explains how to set up a dynamic input field in a report in App. Dynamic fields allow you to filter by different values without having to edit the report.

Example of a dynamic filter being used to search for interactions by user's last name


1. Create a report in the Analytics workspace of App.

2. From the report editing workspace, click the Filters button to add a filter to the report.

3. Create the dynamic input report field by adding and configuring a filter:

4. Click the Build button. Then, click the Save button to save the report.

When you exit out of the report editor, your report will look something like the screenshot below:

In this example, there’s a dynamic filter for the last name of users assigned to interactions. Inputting the value “Franks” into the LastName field, for example, would retrieve all interactions where the user’s last name value is “Franks”. The report results would then change if you updated the input field to a different user’s last name, like “Thomas”, to then show all interactions with the last name value of “Thomas”. 

See the GIF at the top of the page for an example of this in action.

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