Overview: Workspaces of App

App > Overview: Workspaces of App

This article provides a basic overview of the workspaces in App.


The Avaya.cx App is where users complete work based on their role, which is determined by their license type. There are two types of licenses:

Edify CX is intended for users who manage interactions in queues. Edify EX is for users who do not require queue access, but they do need to be able to communicate with coworkers in a centralized location.

Additionally, once you're assigned a license, your user can be customized to ensure you have access to the system that is important to how you work inside of your Avaya.cx account. This means that you might have access to all areas of the the Avaya.cx system. Or, you might just have access to a few areas of the system. 

Either way, your access to one or all the following workspaces is based on your license type and your specific user permissions.

Team View

The Team View workspace is where you can monitor your team’s activity, like your coworker’s statuses, queue assignments, and the interactions that they’re managing.


The Queue workspace includes three smaller workspaces:

The Home list is where you can see all the interactions in your queue(s). 

Queue list is where you can view and search for your assigned queues and log into or out of them. 

The active interaction area is where you can accept or reject interactions to engage with customers.


The Chat workspace is where you can chat, call, and video conference with your colleagues. It’s also where you can manage text messages sent to your DID (if configured accordingly).


The Analytics workspace is where you can create custom reports with the data linked to your organization’s account.

With reports, you can easily collect and organize the data you need to review in a clean, digestible format.

Once you’ve created a report, you can use the data collected in that report to generate a chart. Charts offer a more visual representation of the collected data. You can then save a chart to make it available to be added to a dashboard, where you can view multiple charts on a single page.


The Dashboards workspace is where you can pick and choose which of your charts you want to display all at once on a single, scrolling page.

Dashboards offer you an easy visual breakdown of the data you want to see.


The Softphone workspace is where you can create outbound calls from your extension DID (direct inbound dialer), review call history recordings/transcripts, and listen to voicemails.

Click on the softphone icon to open or close the softphone workspace.


The Status workspace is where you can update your user availability status, define or select a status message, and update your CX status (if you’re a queue user).


The Settings menu in the top-right corner of App opens the application settings menu where you can select to update your profile, refresh the app, launch Console, log out, and more.