Overview: Queue workspace

App > Queue > Queue workspace overview (App)

This article provides an overview of the Queue workspace in App.

In this article


IQueue is where queue users engage with customers, monitor real-time activity of the queues, create outbound interactions, and engage with customers. Queue encompasses these main workspaces:

Note: Based on your user permission settings, you can have access to all or some of these workspaces.

Queue list

The Queue list workspace is where you view and manage all the queues assigned to you. This is where you log into and out of queues. All queue users have access to this workspace. To access the Queue list workspace of Queue, open the Queue menu and select ‘Queue’.


The Home workspace is where you see the current, real-time activity for all of your enabled queues. This includes the queues you are logged into and managing. If you have outbound interaction permissions, this is where you create outbound interactions from a queue. All queue users have access to the Home list. To access the Home list, open the Queue menu and select ‘Home’. 

Outbound interactions

The outbound interactions workspace is where you create an outbound interaction from any of your assigned queues. Depending on your user permissions settings and user configurations for outbound queues, your user can have access to creating outbound interactions for one or several communication types. 

You can create the following types of interactions from Queue:

To access the create outbound interactions workspace, navigate to the Home list by opening the Queue menu and select Home.

Interaction workspace

The interaction workspace is where you engage directly with a customer or complete independent work. You can engage with customers in one or several communication channels. Or, you can engage in a task interaction to complete a specific assignment.


Status is where you alert the system and your coworkers of your availability. There are two kinds of statuses - user status and CX status.

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