Release 4.17.3

Edify release notes > Release 4.17.3

Release date: June 20, 2024
Mac desktop app version: 1.7.0 | PC desktop app version: 1.7.0

In these notes

Edify App release


Queue Interactions

Phone interactions: Enhanced ‘Connecting Interaction…’ bar over audio controls
We’ve enhanced the audio connection experience for phone call interactions to make it easier for the queue user to know when their audio is fully connected. Now during a voice interaction when a queue user’s audio is getting connected, they’ll notice that the audio controls are initially covered with a ‘Connecting Interaction’ green bar and will persist until the queue user’s audio is fully connected in the system.

This feature enhancement will more clearly tell the queue user when their audio connection is fully connected, giving them a better clue for when the customer can hear them and when they should start speaking.

The Connecting Interaction green bar covers and persists until the queue user’s audio controls are fully connected.

Script tab: Loading process improved

We’ve made enhancements to improve the loading process for the Script tab. So, whether you pop this tab open upon interaction creation or trigger it to open from a workflow while handling an interaction, you’ll notice tab loading improvements.


Support email changed to

For areas where the old Edify Support email was listed, we’ve updated those instances to our new email address: