Table: Queue Logins (App)
This article contains column documentation for the Queue Logins table in the Analytics workspace in App.
In this article
The Queue Logins table contains information related to when your queue users log into certain queues.
Data sources using this table
This table is included in the following data sources. Click any of the links below to learn more about the data source, including its purpose and any other associated tables.
Column descriptions
This section alphabetically lists and describes each of the columns in the Queue Logins table.
Created At
Contains the recorded date and time of when the user logged into the queue.
Created By
Contains the unique identifier of your organization’s system user. The system user represents the system itself. This user account is responsible for physically logging the user into the queue.
Contains the unique identifier of the queue login.
Queue Id
Contains the unique identifier of the queue the user logged into.
User Id
Contains the unique identifier of the user who logged into the queue.