Table: Transcription User (App)

App > Analytics > Table: Transcription User (App)

This article contains column documentation for the Transcription User table in the Analytics workspace in App


The Transcription User table contains transcription information about the user (agent) on an interaction, including the transcription text of the user’s audio and the unique identifier of the transcription record.

Note that this table only tracks the transcription of the user who owns the interaction and no other users who might be participants on the interaction (like a manager or supervisor who’s joined the interaction for coaching or escalation purposes).

Data sources using this table

This table is available in the following data sources. Click any of the links below to learn more about the data source, including its purpose and any other associated tables. 

Column descriptions

This section alphabetically lists and describes each of the columns in the Transcription User table.

Text - User

Contains the transcribed text of the user’s portion of the interaction. If the interaction doesn’t have an associated transcription, this field is blank.

Transcription Id - User

Contains the unique identifier of the transcription record. If the interaction doesn’t have an associated transcription, this field is blank.