Table: User Call Data (App)

App > Analytics > Table: User Call Data (App)

This article contains column documentation for the User Call Data table in the Analytics workspace in App.

In this article

The User Call Data table contains information about phone calls involving an user regardless of whether the call is inbound (made from a remote source into the Avaya system) or outbound (made from the Avaya system to a remote destination, like a queue user calling a customer. 

Additionally, it’s important to understand that this table relates to all phone calls managed on the account, whether it’s a call hosted with a queue user in a queue or a call processed through a user’s extension from the user’s WebRTC softphone/desk phone.

Lastly, when reviewing the column descriptions for this table, know that the term - ‘local caller’ or ‘local party’ - is the user on the Avaya account, and the term ‘remote caller’ or ‘remote party’ is a person outside of the Avaya account, like a customer.

Data sources using this table

This table is available in the following data sources. Click any of the links below to learn more about the data source, including its purpose and any other associated tables. 

Column descriptions

This section alphabetically lists and describes each of the columns in the User Call Data table.

Call Direction

Contains the direction of the phone call. This value is either:

Call Id

Contains the unique identifier of the call associated with the user call data record.

Call Recording

Contains a link to the audio recording file of both parties on the call (if the call was recorded).

Call Type

Contains the type of call.

The values you will see here include:

Caller Name

Contains the name of the remote caller (the party on the phone call that’s outside your organization’s account).

Caller Number

Contains the phone number of the remote caller (the party on the phone call that’s outside your organization’s account).

CallerId Name - Local

Contains the name of the local caller on the call as it appears on the caller ID. The local caller is the party on the phone call that’s the user on your account.

CallerId Name - Remote

Contains the name of the remote caller on the call as it appears on the caller ID. The remote caller is the party on the call that’s not a user on your account. 

CallerId Number - Local

Contains the phone number of the local caller on the call as it appears on the caller ID. The local caller is the party on the phone call that is the user on your Avaya account.

CallerId Number - Remote

Contains the phone number of the remote caller on the call as it appears on the caller ID. The remote caller is the party on the call that is not a user on the Avaya account. 

Completed At

Contains the recorded date and time of when the call was completed.

Country - Local

Contains the two-letter country code (ISO 3166-1 alpha-2) of the local party on the call.

Country - Remote

Contains the two-letter country code (ISO 3166-1 alpha-2) of the remote caller on the call. The remote caller is the party on the call that is not a user on your Avaya account. 

Country Calling Code - Local

Contains the country calling code of the local party of the call. The local caller is the party on the phone call that is the user on your Avaya account.

Country Calling Code - Remote

Contains the country calling code of the remote party of the call. The remote caller is the party on the call that is not a user on your Avaya account. 

Created On

Contains the recorded datetime value of when the user call data record was created.


Contains the duration of time (in milliseconds) the phone call lasted.

E164 - Local

Contains the phone number of the local party in E.164 format.

E164 - Remote

Contains the phone number of the remote party in E.164 format.

Endpoint Id

Contains the unique identifier of the endpoint associated with the user call data record.

Inbound Call Data Id

Contains the unique identifier of the inbound call data associated with the user call data record.

Inbound Number

Contains the phone number associated with the inbound call that created the call (if applicable).

Inbound Number Name

Contains the name of the phone number associated with the inbound call that created the call (if applicable). If no name is present, this value defaults to the phone number.

Interaction Id

Contains the unique identifier of the interaction associated with the user call data record.

International Format - Local

Contains the local phone number (the user’s number) in international format for the user on the account that created the outbound phone call

International Format - Remote

Contains the remote phone number in international format for the inbound phone call from someone not on the account.

IP Address

Contains the remote phone number in international format for the inbound phone call from someone not on the account.

Is Missed Call

Specifies whether the call was missed (not accepted) by the user.

The values you will see here include:

Is Missed Unread

Specifies whether the call was missed by the user and the user has not yet resolved the missed call notification.

The values you will see here include:

Is Transcribed

Specifies whether the call’s audio has been transcribed. For the call to be transcribed, the user needs voicemail transcription enabled in Call Settings.

The values you will see here include:

National Format - Local

Contains the local phone number (the user’s phone number) in national format.

National Format - Remote

Contains the remote phone number in international format for the caller outside of the account.

Number Type - Local

Contains the type of phone number being used by the party that’s a user on the account.

Values you will see here include:

Number Type - Remote

Contains the type of phone number being used by the caller.

Values you will see here include:

Outbound Call Data Id

Contains the unique identifier of the outbound call data record associated with the user call data.

Outbound Caller Name

Contains the name of the user  making the outbound call from the account. 

Outbound Caller Number

Contains the phone number of the user making the outbound call from the account.

Outbound Number

Contains the remote phone number that was dialed from a user on your account.

Outbound Number Name

Contains the name of the phone number that is receiving the outbound call created from a user on your account.

Packet Count - Local

Contains the total number of data packets sent from the local party (user on the account) to the remote party (not on the account).

Packet Count - Remote

Contains the total number of data packets sent from the remote party to the local party (user on the account).

Packet Loss - Local

Contains the total number of data packets sent by the local party (user on the account) that failed to arrive to the remote party.

Packet Loss - From User

Contains the total number of data packets sent by the remote party that failed to arrive to the local party (user on the account). 

Recorded Both Access Key

Contains the access key used for accessing the audio recording of both parties on the call. This value is automatically generated.

Recorded Both Id

Contains the unique identifier of the audio recording of both parties on the call.

Recorded Receive Id

Contains the unique identifier of the audio recording of the receiving party on the call.

Recorded Transmit Id

Contains the unique identifier of the audio recording of the sending party on the call.

Recording Active

Specifies whether audio recording is active on the call. Audio recording is active when call recording is turned on.

Values you will see here include:

Recording Mute

Specifies whether audio recording is muted (recording paused) on the call. For completed voice interactions that have a call recording associated with the interaction, this field shows the muted state upon call completion.

Values you will see here include:

Remote User Id

Contains the unique identifier of the account user receiving the phone call (if applicable).

Transcription Tracking Id

Contains a unique identifier used internally by us for tracking the progress of a transcription request for call data. This field is intended only for internal use by Avaya.


Contains the type of web service security used on the call.

Values you will see here include:


Contains the call type of the call.

Values you will see here include:

User Call Data Id

Contains the unique identifier for the user call data record.

User Id

Contains the unique identifier for the Avaya user associated with the call data record.

Voicemail Message Id

This field does not contain any data. It will be removed in a future update.