Table: User Status History (App)

App > Analytics > Table: User Status History (App)

This article contains column documentation for the User Status History table in the Analytics workspace in App

In this article


The User Status History table records all of the past status changes for all users on your account.

It includes columns that contain information like:

Additionally, his table provides a breakdown of how long they were available, busy, away, or offline while they were in the particular status.

Data sources using this table

This table is included in the following data sources. Click any of the links below to learn more about the data source, including its purpose and any other associated tables. 

Column descriptions

This section alphabetically lists and describes each of the columns in the User Status History table.


Contains the identifier of the account the user is part of.


Contains the identifier of the API request that caused the status to end (if the status ended due to an API request).


Contains the identifier of the API request that created the status (if the status was created from an API request). 


Contains the recorded date and time of when the status record was created.


Contains the user ID of who created the user status history record. When a status changes, this field records who changed the status. 

This could be the user ID of a user, a manager, or the system.


Contains the length of time (in seconds) the user spent in the status.


Contains the amount of time (in seconds) that, while in the status, the user’s status type was set to “Available.”


Contains the amount of time (in seconds) that, while in the status, the user’s status type was set to “Away.”


Contains the amount of time (in seconds) that, while in the status, the user’s status type was set to “Busy.”


Contains the amount of time (in seconds) that, while in the status, the user’s status type was set to “Offline.”


Contains the recorded date and time of when the status record ended.


Contains the unique identifier of the status history record.


Specifies whether the status change was caused by the user logging into

Values you will see here include:


Specifies whether the status type change was triggered by the system or not. 

Values you will see include:

When a status is not triggered by the system (a “0” value), this means that the queue user manually updated the status themselves or another user with this type of access changed it for them, like when a manager or trainer updates a queue user’s status for them.

When a status is triggered by the system (a “1” value), this is common when the user loses interaction connection and the system changes the user’s status to ‘Offline’ during the connection lost event.


Contains the identifier of the queue associated with the user status record.


Contains the recorded date and time of when the status record was created.


Contains the user’s status message, or reason for being in the status. 

In the system a status is a message, or a reason, that communicates the user’s current state or availability in the system. For example, a user could write in their status that they’re “Available” or that they’ll “Be right back.”

Statuses are distinct from status types, which determine whether a user can receive interactions from a queue.

The statuses you may see in this field can come from two different sources:


Contains the type of status.

A status type is distinct from a status. A status type determines whether a user can receive interactions from a queue, while a status is simply a message that helps to communicate to coworkers what a user is currently doing.

For example, a user (who has their CX Login set to “Enabled”) who sets their status type to “available” can receive queue interactions. But, when they set their status to “Busy”, they will no longer automatically receive inbound interactions.

There is a set number of status types that are available. The type of status is also reflected by the color next to the status in the system.

Status types include:


Contains the date and time of when the user status was modified.


Contains the identifier of the user who last modified the user status record.


Contains the identifier of the user the status is associated with.