Overview: Mentions in Chat (App)

App > Chat > Overview: Mentions in Chat (App)

This article gives an overview of Mentions in Chat.


Mentions let you directly notify a user in a channel or direct message (regardless of their notification settings in Chat).

Example of mentions in a channel

Mentioned users will see the @ symbol followed by their name in gold text. Other users will see the @ symbol followed by the user’s name in blue text.

Types of Mentions

There are two types of mentions: User mentions and Channel mentions.

User mention in a channel


This type of mention includes a specific user’s name. The mentioned user will get a notification regardless of their notification settings. Other users will only get a notification if their notification settings are set to All.


This type of mention includes every user in the channel or direct message. All users will get a notification regardless of their notification settings.

Notification settings in Chat

There are two options for notifications in channels and direct messages: All and Mentions.

Note: These settings also apply to mobile, but can only be changed on the desktop app.

See Change notification settings for channels and direct messages in Chat (App).

View a user's notification setting

Open the Channel Members drawer to see a user's notification setting. If a user has their channel or direct message notifications set to Mentions they will have an @ to the right of their name.