Create a contact view (App)

App > Contacts> Create a contact view (App)

This article explains how to create or set up a contact view for your Contacts in App.

In this article

A contact view lets you filter through a list of customers or companies and find results with common attributes. 

Create a contact view

3. Select Individuals or Companies from the Contacts workspace dropdown.

4. Open the custom view menu

5. Select + Create View

6. Add a name for the Contact view in the Label field. 

7. Use the Public/Private toggle to decide whether or not the Contact view is available for everyone in your organization to use or just for specific users. 

8. Next, you will add a rule(s) and/or groups to your contact view. 

Add a rule to your contact view 


Rules let you use logic to find matches within the database. This means you can create a view of contacts with similar attributes. There are two types of logic you can use in a custom contact view - AND or OR. You can also create groups of rules to further filter search results.

NOTE: Setting up a contact view has similar logic to the configuration of our Decision workflow module, so check out the Overview: Decision workflow module article for more information on this. 


AND logic is used to find exact matches to a specific string of text, or multiple strings of text if there are multiple rules. This means the contact view will only show results that match all these rules. 

Let’s look at the following two rules. 

These rules state that the title must be “Dr.” AND the city must be Los Angeles. So the results of this search for this contact view will only include all doctors located in Los Angeles listed in the database. 


OR logic is used to find results that match at least one rule that is specified. This means your contact view will show results for any matches that match at least one of your rules. 


Let’s look at the following two rules. 

These rules state that the title must be “Dr.” Or the title must be “NP”. So the search results for this contact view will include all doctors (Dr.) or nurse practitioners (NP) in the database. 


A group is a set of rules that operate together. And/Or logic is applied to Groups to allow you to further customize search results. 

This view contains two Groups. The first group has three rules, and the second group has two rules. 

In our example we wanted to find a list of doctors and nurse practitioners. But what if you are specifically looking for doctors and nurse practitioners in a particular geographical area? The following groups of rules can do just that. 

The first group of rules is still looking for doctors (Dr.) or nurse practitioners (NP). It states that the results must be doctors (Dr.) OR nurse practitioners (NP). 


The second group takes it a step further by narrowing down the results of the first group with more specifics. It states that the City must be Los Angeles. 


Together, the groups state that the view will contain all doctors (Dr.) OR nurse practitioners (NP) AND the City must be Los Angeles. Simply put, the view will include all doctors and nurse practitioners in Los Angeles listed in the Contacts database. 


Now that you know how rules and groups work, follow the steps below to create your own. 

Add a rule to your contact view

Add a group to your contact view


Once you have added all the rules needed for your contact view, click Save