Delete a company contact (App)

App > Contacts> Delete a company contact (App)

This article explains how to delete a company contact in Contacts in App.


Contacts is where you store individual and company contacts.  


You can delete individual contacts or company contacts. This action is not reversible. So, once you delete a contact, their information is no longer available in the system. 

You’ll need to create the contact as a new contact if you need it available in your list of contacts again. 

Individuals associated with company

Company contacts can have individual contacts associated with it. 

So, when deleting a company in Contacts, you’ll have the opportunity to decide if you want to delete just the company contact or the company and all the associated individuals. 

You’ll make this decision once you start the process to delete the contact. 


3. Select Company from the Contacts workspace dropdown. 

4. Select the company contact that you want to delete.

5. Once viewing the company’s contact information, click the trash icon.

6. Set the Delete all associated individuals toggle to reflect whether you want to keep or delete individual contacts for this company. (The toggle defaults to ‘disabled’.) 

7. Click Delete to complete the company contact deletion process. Once clicked, the system deletes the contact and/or the associated individual contacts based on the toggle’s setting.