Overview: Dashboard containers (App)

App > Dashboards > Overview: Dashboard containers (App)

This article provides an overview of dashboard containers in App.

In this article


Dashboards allow you to see multiple charts and reports in one single view. Reports and charts that are added to a dashboard are referred to as 'containers' in the Dashboards workspace.

A dashboard container displays one specific report or chart. You can make a dashboard of several containers and those containers can be any combination of charts and reports.

Add and set up containers through the dashboard’s editor workspace. Once you’ve added a container to the dashboard, configure it by defining which report or chart it's displaying. Then, you can further customize the container as needed. This can include resizing it to make room for more containers; or, move it around the dashboard to better arrange it near other like data.

Each container has its own update frequency, too. This is helpful so you can control how often each individual container updates based on the type of data it’s displaying. Otherwise, refresh the entire dashboard manually as needed.

Once a container is added - or placed - on a dashboard, take a closer look at specific chart data by mousing over the container in the dashboard.

This article walks through common concepts related to setting up and manipulating dashboard containers.

Configure dashboard containers

Once you’ve added a container to the editor workspace, it’s ready for configuring. This is where you set up the container by defining which report or chart you want to display. You can only select one chart or one report per container. 

Set the container’s update frequency to define how often the individual container refreshes. 

You can set the container to update every 5 seconds, 10 seconds, etc. Or, if you prefer for the container to only update when you reload the dashboard, you can set the frequency to ‘Off’.

Manipulate dashboard containers

You can manipulate a container in a few different ways. This is based on what you need when building the dashboard. 

Resize container

You can resize the container by enlarging it to display more detailed data or by shrinking it to make room for adding more containers. 

Move container

You can also rearrange containers by moving them to a different area of the dashboard to move them next to containers that are related to each other. 

This is helpful to quickly analyze relevant data. When rearranging containers, you need to update the Prevent Collision and/or Vertical Compacting settings for the dashboard if you want the system to arrange the containers for you or not.

Container settings once added to the dashboard

Once the container is added - or placed - on the dashboard, you can’t change the container’s configuration. However, there are some settings that you can modify. These are the container’s settings.

Each container has its own settings.You can update settings like the title font size, chart data font size, and more. These are available in the container’s settings menu.

For some containers that use filters for displaying specific report data, you also have access to managing chart inputs to quickly update the data displayed in the chart. Inputs are only applicable to charts that are built on reports that are filtering data with inputs. Read the Container inputs feature section to learn more about this container setting.

Container inputs feature

A common chart added to dashboards that applies to the concept of chart inputs is the big number chart. These charts show a specific metric for a specific user or queue that you want to monitor, like average handle time, average wait time, or total completed interactions. 

At times, you might want to change the data displayed in the dashboard chart to see how a different user or queue is performing. You can jump to the report and update the filter. Or, you can make this change fast from the Dashboard workspace by updating the specific container’s settings. This change is made with the Inputs feature.

Here’s how you benefit from this feature. Imagine you created a big number chart, titled: ‘Total Interactions Handled’, and you want to switch between seeing this data for ‘Thomas’ and ‘Isaac’ depending on their work day. When you’re ready to update the chart, navigate to the container’s settings and select ‘Inputs’ from the menu. From here, update the Chart Inputs form with the user’s name you want. That’s it! In moments, the chart is displaying data for the new user.

Visual breakdown

Use the labeled graphic and descriptions below to get a better understanding of each of these workspaces in App.

Container in editor mode

Add new container form