Overview: Callback interactions
App > Queue > Interactions > Overview: Callback interactions (App)
This article provides an overview of callback interactions in App.
In this article
Callback interactions are interactions that started as a live phone call interaction and then changed into a callback interaction. A callback interaction occurs when a customer chooses to have a queue user call them back rather than waiting for a queue user to become available.
Interaction status
When the customer enters the timed workflow, the interaction changes from Open status to Bot status. While the interaction is in Bot status, the customer has the option to continue to wait, receive a callback, or do another action based on the queue’s settings.
Once the customer selects the callback option, and hangs up, the customer exits the workflow experience and the status of the interaction changes from “Bot” status back to “Open” status. This is also when Hammond updates the interaction’s sub-communication type from inbound to callback. The interaction then waits in “Open” status in Queue until it’s assigned to an agent to manage.
Note: If you wish to manually open an interaction from the Home List, as a best practice, you should only select interactions in Open status. This status indicates that the interaction is not actively being engaged by anyone (other agents) or anything (Hammond) and is ready to be accepted and managed.
Manage a callback interaction
There are two ways to identify if an interaction is a callback
Review the interaction’s details from the Home List
Scan the interaction when it’s assigned to you
Review interaction's details from the Home List
Look at the interactions communication type column to identify whether it’s a callback interaction or not.
See Overview: Home list Communication Type column in Queue (App).
Once you pick up a callback interaction from the Home list, the interaction workspace is displayed, and the interaction is assigned to you. The status of the interaction changes to Connected status. Most importantly, the call back to the customer is immediately initiated.
Scan the interaction when it's assigned to you
Look at the feed tab in an interaction that is sent to you to identify if it is a callback interaction.
Note: Once you accept the Callback interaction, the customer interaction workspace opens, the call back to the customer is immediately initiated, and the interaction is now yours to manage.