Overview: Interaction email tab (App)
App > Queue > Interactions > Overview: Interaction email tab (App)
This article provides an overview of the interaction email tab in App.
In this article
The email tab is a standard tab available to queue users within a live interaction. It appears in the tabs menu as an envelope icon.
Note: This tab is only enabled if you’re managing email communications through the queue.
For inbound emails, navigate to this tab to review and respond to customer inquiries. For outbound email interactions, navigate to this tab to craft and send emails to customers directly from the queue.
Email templates
After your admin creates an email template under the CX menu of Console, the template(s) are available to you under the email templates menu in the email interaction (see image below). These are especially useful if you have common reasons for sending emails, like:
- Confirmation of problem resolution;
- Resending lost information like tracking numbers;
- Invoicing; and more.
To use an email template when engaging with a customer, open the email templates menu and select the appropriate template from the list. The message content automatically populates in the body of the email where you can then make any necessary changes before sending it.
Note: Ensure your email signature has been configured with the appropriate contact information in the event that the email recipient needs to get in touch with you again.
Visual breakdown
To field (A): The To field is for entering the email address for the recipient of the email. The customer’s email can auto-populate here if it was collected during the inbound experience or if you entered it while initiating the interaction through the outbound interaction workspace. If there is no email address entered or the auto-populated email address is incorrect, click into the field and adjust it as necessary. To send an email to multiple recipients, list the emails here with a comma separating them.
From field (B): The from field auto-populates with the email address that’s configured to your account by your admin. If you have more than one email address configured to your account, you can select the appropriate email address from this menu before sending the email.
Subject field (C): The subject field is where you enter the subject matter for the email.
CC field (D): The CC field, like the To field, is used for entering the email address for the recipient. However, this is for carbon copying (CC) an additional recipient other than the primary recipient(s) that you enter in the to field.
BCC field (E): The BCC field is similar to the To and CC fields. Here you can enter an email address here to add another recipient to the email chain. However, this area is a blind carbon copy (BCC) of the email, so the email address entered here is not visible to the other recipients listed in the To and CC fields. Only you, as the sender, can see who has been entered as a recipient in the BCC field.
Email templates menu (F): The email templates menu gives you access to select an email template to use for crafting the email. For a template to populate in this menu, your admin must first configure it to your business’ account, so it is possible to not see any templates available in this menu.
Formatting buttons (G): The formatting buttons area contains the standard formatting options used for creating the body message for the email. Hover over each button to view a brief description of its function.
Email tab (H): The email tab allows you to manage both inbound and outbound email interactions through the queue. Once you accept an inbound email interaction, or initiate an outbound email interaction, here is where you manage the email content.
Message body (I): Use the message body field to compose and format your outbound email.
Delete (J): The delete button gives you the ability to discard the outbound email if you need to cancel the message at any time prior to sending.
Exclude Threaded Messages (K): The Exclude Threaded Messages button allows you to send emails that do not include the thread of past emails. Click this button again Include Threaded Messages.
Attach file button (L): The attach file button opens the file selector for you to find and select files from your computer to attach to the email.
Send button (M): The send button delivers the composed email to the email recipient that’s defined in the To field. Once the email is sent, you still need to close the interaction to successfully save the interaction information and release it from the queue.
Email chain (N): The email chain area shows who sent the previous related email(s) and the time and date the message was received. You can also reply (single left pointing arrow), reply to all (double left pointing arrow), or forward (right pointing arrow) the email to another recipient from here.