Overview: Interaction journey tab

App > Queue > Interactions > Overview: Interaction journey tab (App)

This article provides an overview of the interaction journey tab in App

The interaction journey tab is where you can open and review a customer’s previous engagement with your business.

In this article


This video starts with walking through the interaction journey tab and it's features.

The journey tab is where you see the full, inbound and outbound engagement history between your company and a customer. When opened, the Journey Mapping panel is displayed. 

The Journey Mapping panel includes a complete list of all past engagements that this specific customer has had with your business based on a specific value (like an email address, customer’s phone number, etc.), and it provides you quick access to seeing these helpful details about each interaction:

Even more so, this is also where a user can access a specific past engagement's completed interaction, which includes the call recording, chat transcription, and notes left about the engagement. This is helpful to reference when you need to dive deeper into understanding a particular past experience with your business.

If your admin enabled the journey tab for your queue(s), this tab appears in the tabs panel as a tri-fold map with a location marker. It’s available to the user both when in an active interaction and when viewing a completed interaction.

Journey mapping records

The journey tab first displays the Journey Mapping panel when it’s opened. The Journey Mapping panel is a list of interactions with the customer - the current interaction and all previous interactions. Each list item is an interaction and these are sometimes referred to as an interaction record

The interaction records populate in this list because the queue is configured to log customer engagements based on collected data at the creation of the interaction. 

This data can be a piece of information collected about the customer or about the interaction itself. Therefore, based on queue configurations set by your admin, the system tracks specific data about interactions and logs the interaction into the Journey Mapping list as an interaction record based on that data.

Journey Mapping configuration

A queue configured to include customer journey uses one of these four data types to define which data is the foundation to the journey history displayed in the Journey Mapping panel list: 

The journey history data type is specific to each queue and is defined by your admin in Console. Select the data type that makes the most sense for how work is completed in that queue.

If the customer’s Journey Mapping panel is blank, then the customer may be reaching this queue for the first time or the queue may not be configured to track the customer’s journey. Check with your admin to ensure that the queue is configured properly if you experience issues with it.

Interaction record

The Journey Mapping list contains individual interaction records. Each interaction record displays quick details about the interaction. This is helpful for quickly scanning the journey mapping list to find the exact record that you need. 

Note: Interaction records are displayed with the most recent interactions at the top and oldest at the bottom.

The quick details on the record include:

Interaction history timeline

After opening an interaction record,  notice that it contains the full history for that specific interaction. This is the interaction history timeline

The interaction history timeline is where you see each event of that previous interaction once it arrived in the queue, like when the customer entered the queue and started waiting for a user (top of the history), when the customer became connected to a user, when the customer was placed on hold by a user, when the interaction ended (bottom of the history), and more. Each event on the timeline includes the name of the user that was the assigned user at that moment, the event that happened, and the date of the specific event.

This is especially helpful when you need to better understand the exact experience of the customer in the past to better help the customer with her current needs.

Access a completed interaction

Access a completed interaction by clicking Open Interaction at the top of the interaction history timeline. The completed interaction will populate as another interaction tab across the top of the page. See Overview: completed interactions (App).

Depending on the type of interaction, the completed interaction can include all or some of the following fields:

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