Overview: Private viewing interactions in Queue (App)

App > Queue > Interactions > Overview: Private viewing interactions in Queue (App)

This article explains the concept of privately viewing an interaction in Queue in App

In this article

Private view

Private view allows a queue user to open an interaction to monitor it without other queue users in the interaction knowing it.

The private view is useful when you need to “spot check” the interaction, but aren’t planning to coach or engage in the interaction. However, private viewers have access to the interaction viewer controls, so they can take an active role in coaching or monitoring the interaction if needed.

Note: You can privately view active or completed interactions.

Private viewing interactions from Home list

The Action column in the Queue Home list allows you to choose your viewing perspective. The private view symbol is a slashed eye icon.

Note: Not every user has access to private view.

Private viewing perspectives

Private viewer's perspective

Assigned queue user's perspective

Other user's perspective

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