Overview: Transferring interactions

App > Queue > Interactions > Overview: Transferring interactions (App)

This article provides an overview of transferring interactions in App.


Initiate a transfer by clicking the Transfer button

Interaction transfers allow you to send an interaction to any of the following types of destinations:

You can initiate an interaction transfer at any time on an active interaction by clicking the Transfer button in the call controls of an interaction.

Transferring is a three-step process:

Continue reading this article to learn more about the basics of this process.

Transfer types

There are three types of transfer (based on the transfer destination):

Read the subsections below to learn more about each of these transfer destination types.

Transfer to user

You can transfer interactions to other users. All users can receive phone call transfers. However, only queue users can receive messaging, email, or task transfers. When a user is incapable of receiving a transfer, their contact card displays a badge stating "Not Eligible".

Transfer to queue

You can transfer an interaction to any other queue on your organization’s account. Search for a specific Queue by typing the Queue’s name into the Filter Queues field, then click the magnifying glass icon to see the results. 

The results include Queue cards with stats to help you make an informed decision about where to transfer the customer. The stats include:

Transfer to contacts

You can transfer voice interactions to an external contact. This process allows you to transfer a caller to a third-party phone number. You can do this by manually entering the external contact’s phone number.

If External Transfer Caller ID Modify is enabled for the queue, you can choose the caller ID that is displayed to the recipient of the transfer from the listed options. See Transfer container in Queues (Console).

Transfer options

Once you define where you’re transferring the interaction to by picking the type of transfer (i.e. user, queue, or external contact), you’ll decide how you’ll contact that destination. There are two contact options for interaction transfers:

The primary difference between an attended transfer and a blind transfer is the handoff process.

What if a completed transfer to a user isn't accepted?

There are three destinations for a call if a transfer to a User isn’t accepted.