Mark voicemail notifications as read or unread (App)

App > Softphone > Mark voicemail notifications as read or unread (App)

This article explains how to mark voicemail notifications as read or unread in App.

In this article

Clear all missed voicemail notifications

1. Log into App at

2. Open the softphone workspace.

3. Click the voicemail tab.

4. Click the Clear All Notifications button.

5. Notice that the missed voicemail notification icon disappears from the voicemail tab and the voicemail record icon(s) changes to a white, open envelope.

Mark voicemail notifications as unread.

1. Log into App at

2. Open the softphone workspace.

3. Click the voicemail tab.

4. Search or scroll to the voice message you want to re-enable a missed voicemail notification for.

5. Click the voicemail record envelope icon.

6. Notice the icon changes to a green, closed envelope and a missed voicemail notification automatically populates on the voicemail tab.