Overview: Softphone transfers (App)

App > Softphone > Overview: Softphone transfers (App)

This article explains how to transfer calls made from or received to your softphone in App.

In this article


There are a few ways of transferring your calls while using the softphone. 

You can send the call to another device, like your mobile phone or your desk phone, or you can transfer the call to another person, like a coworker or external phone number, or directly to a coworker’s voicemail. 

To transfer a call to another person, use the address book, by entering a specific phone number or enter the colleague’s name into the Number or Contact field.

Transfer a call to a different device

You can continue a softphone call on another device depending on your settings if you need to continue the call elsewhere. 

Send your active call to any of these devices to continue the conversation: 

Before you send the call to your mobile or forwarding number, ensure your mobile phone number is listed in your profile settings and your forwarding number is listed in your call settings

If you have one or more desk phones provisioned to your user, you can transfer the call to any one of those devices, too. 

Once a desk phone is provisioned to your user, they’ll automatically appear in the transfer menu to be ready for you to transfer your softphone call to it.

Visual breakdown for transferring call to device

Transfer a call to a coworker or external number

Once you’re handling a call through the softphone, you can transfer it to another person, like a coworker or an external contact. 

To start a transfer to another person, you’ll open the transfer menu (indicated by the right pointing arrow) and select the ‘Custom’. 

From here, you’ll then either enter the phone number for the external contact you need or look up the coworker with the address book or by typing information into the Number of Contact field.

After you define who’s receiving your transfer (coworker or external contact), define how you want to process it. You can transfer in these ways:

Visual breakdown for transferring to an external contact

Visual breakdown for transferring to a coworker