Overview: Softphone voicemails (App)

App > Softphone > Overview: Softphone voicemails (App)

This article provides an overview of the softphone voicemail workspace in App.

In this article


The Voicemail tab under the softphone is where you review your voicemail inbox. This log captures all inbound call activity where the caller left you a voice message. 

In this tab, you can search for specific messages, review caller details, listen to or download voicemails, view the voicemail’s transcription, mark a voicemail as unread, or delete the voicemail record. Voicemails are listed in chronological order, with the most recent at the top.

Visual breakdown

A. Search voicemail records: The search voicemail records area includes, from left to right, the filter menu, search field, and run search button. These items work together to narrow down your voicemail log to a more specific list of records.

a. Filter menu: The filter menu and search field are how you find specific voicemails from your voicemail log. The filter menu has these options: ‘From’ and ‘Date’. 

i. From: Search for a voicemail left by a specific phone number.

ii. Date: Search for a voicemail created on a specific date.

b. Search field: The search field, in conjunction with the filter menu, can help to narrow your voicemail log down to a specific record or set of records. For example, if you want to locate a voicemail from several months ago, select ‘Date’ from the filter menu and enter the specific date in the search field. This narrows the list down to all voice messages received on the entered date. 

c. Run search button: Click the run search button to initiate the search based on the data entered in the filter menu and search field.

B. Voicemail record icon: The voicemail record (envelope) icon is a button that marks the voicemail’s status. The voicemail status can be either a newly missed voicemail, a voicemail marked as unread, or a voicemail marked as read.

a. Green, closed envelope icon: When the envelope is closed and green, then it’s either a new voicemail or a voicemail you marked as unread. 

b. White, open envelope icon: When the icon is open and white, then it’s a voicemail that you opened and marked as read by clicking on it or by clearing all the notifications. 

C. Download voicemail: The download voicemail button is where you download a copy of the voice message to your computer.

D. Open/close voicemail transcription: The open/close voicemail transcription icon opens or closes the voicemail’s transcription as long as transcription has been enabled for your voicemail box. 

E. Missed voicemail notification: The missed voicemail notification indicates that there’s a voicemail in your log requiring additional attention. If you miss a call and the caller leaves you a voicemail, this notification automatically populates. Clear this notification by either clicking the Clear All Notifications button or clicking the voicemail record envelope icon. You can re-enable this notification by clicking the envelope icon again.

F. Clear All Notifications: The Clear All Notifications button is where you clear all of your missed voicemail notifications from the voicemail tab. Once you have cleared all missed voicemail notifications, you cannot undo this action. To re-enable a specific voicemail record’s notification, click the voicemail record envelope icon to create a new missed voicemail notification for that specific record. 

G. Delete: The delete button is where you permanently remove the voice message record from your voicemail inbox. This action can’t be undone.

H. Play voicemail: The play voicemail button is where you start playing the voice message to listen to it directly from the voicemail workspace. Once the recording starts playing, you have access to additional play controls, like pause and stop.