Overview: Locations (Console)

Console > Account > Locations > Overview: Locations (Console)

This article provides an overview of locations in Console


A location is an organizational tool for grouping a subset of users on your account. A location corresponds to the physical location where the user(s) work. Locations tie emergency 911 calls to a physical address.

As an admin, you have the ability to add and modify office locations for your company. This is done in the Locations section of your account settings in Console.

Once a location has been created, you can’t modify its address or delete the location itself. However, you can enable or disable the location's E911 information or modify its networking information. And you can create an unlimited number of new locations.

Each location includes the following information:

Once you’ve created a location on your account, it’s available for user assignment. An admin can assign a location to a user through the user’s settings page in Console. Alternatively, a user can select their own location through their profile settings page in App.

Visual breakdown

Location Name

Use the Location Name field to appropriately label the office location you want to add to your account. The Location Name field can’t be modified after the location is created.

Address Line 1 & Address Line 2

Use the street address field(s) to provide the official street address for the location. Address Line 1 should include the street address and Address Line 2 should include the suite or unit number if applicable. Once the location has been created, you can no longer make modifications to the street address fields. 


Use the City field to provide the city where the office is located. Once the location has been created, you can no longer make modifications to this field.


Use the State/Territory field to provide the state or territory where the office can be found. Once the location has been created, you can no longer make modifications to this field. 


Use the Country field to designate the country in which the office is located. Once the location has been created, you can no longer make modifications to this field. 

Postal Code

Use the Postal Code field to identify the office location’s postal code. Once the location has been created, you can no longer make modifications to this field.

E911 Activated

The E911 Activated field displays the connection status of either enabled or disabled. Based on this configuration, you either see a green check mark when enabled or a red “X” when disabled in the Locations workspace. Once the location has been created, you can modify this status by changing it to or from enabled or disabled. When enabled, the emergency number connects to the location’s physical address. This allows for users with desk phones assigned to specific locations to utilize the E911 function to alert emergency responders to be dispatched to the agent’s location.

E911 Number

The E911 Activated field displays the connection status if enabled. When enabled, the emergency number connects to the location’s physical address. This allows for users with desk phones assigned to specific locations to utilize the E911 function to alert emergency responders to be dispatched to the caller’s location based on the device’s location. 

IP Group

The IP Group menu allows you to link the location to a specific IP Group for the purpose of instructing the Avaya.cx system to make the appropriate E911 location recommendations.


The Status indicator is displayed as green, indicating that E911 status is enabled for the location. This is not a configurable setting. All locations are required to have E911 services enabled at all times.