Upload or delete audio files (Console)

Console > CX > Audio Upload > Overview: Upload or delete audio files (Console)

This article explains how to upload or delete audio files in Console.


In Console, the Audio Upload workspace under the CX menu is where admins can manage all of the audio files and recordings associated with their organization’s account.

Audio uploads workspace.

The Audio Uploads workspace (CX > Audio Uploads)

This article covers the steps on how to upload or delete audio files. It also covers the different types of files you can upload.

Visual breakdown

Uploading an audio file

Audio upload modal.


This section explains how to either upload or delete an audio file.

Tip: When you need to update a recording file, delete the old file and upload a new recording. 

Tip: If you delete an active recording file, make sure to connect the new audio file where the previous file was being used.

Upload a file

2. Navigate to CX > Audio Upload.

3. Click the New Audio File button in the top-right corner of the screen.

New Audio File button in Audio Upload workspace.

4. Enter the details into the New Audio File modal. Click the New File icon to select a file from your computer to upload.

New Audio File modal.

5. Click Save.

Delete a file

2. Navigate to CX > Audio Upload.

3. Select the file you’d like to delete.

4. Click the pencil icon in the top-right corner of the Audio File container.

5. Click the Delete button.

6. A confirmation modal will appear. Click Yes to proceed with deletion.

After clicking Yes, you’ll be returned to the Audio Uploads workspace.