Overview: Exit No Agents container in Queues (Console)

Console > Queues > Overview: Exit No Agents container in Queues (Console)

This article explains the Exit No Agents settings available for queues in Console.

In this article


The Exit No Agents container in the Queues workspace of Console is where you define how interactions that enter a queue with no queue users logged into it are handled.

Exit No Agents container in queue workspace.

In Console, navigate to Queues > [Queue] > Exit No Agents container.

When enabled, Exit No Agents:

If Exit No Agents is disabled and there are no queue users logged into a queue, then a customer will continue to wait in that queue until an agent logs into that queue and accepts the interaction to handle it, unless another experience is configured to manage that interaction, like Maximum Wait is configured, a timed workflow is set up, or another action is taken on the interaction.

Configure Exit No Agents

You can configure Exit No Agents to do one of the following:

The queue voicemail option allows the customer to leave a message for the queue user. The workflow option allows you to create a more robust experience, like sending the interaction to another active queue, sending an SMS alert to an “overflow queue user” to jump into the current queue to answer it, and more.

Note: The Exit No Agents configuration can look different for each queue because each queue has unique needs.

Container breakdown

Exit No Agents container

Enabled Phone

The Enabled Phone toggle is where you enable or disable the Exit No Agents. When this toggle is enabled (green), all interactions that reach this queue when there aren’t any users logged into it proceed through the Exit No Agents experience.

Voice Route Data

Use cases

Off hours

Suppose you have a queue that only accepts phone calls from 8am to 5pm. To better serve customers that may be unable to call during the queue’s standard operating hours, you want to let customers leave voicemail messages at all times.

You could configure the Exit No Agents container like this:

Manage low-volume queues

Suppose you have a returns queue that receives most of its calls between 5pm and 7 pm. Outside of these hours, the queue receives very few calls. Because of this trend, the returns queue is only staffed from 5pm to 7pm. Even though the queue is not always fully staffed, it is essential that calls are handled regardless of when the calls are received.

You could configure the Exit No Agents container like the screenshot below.