Create a workflow (Console)
This article explains how to create a workflow in Console.
1. Log into Console at
2. Navigate to the Workflows workspace.
3. Click the Create Workflow button.
4. Enter a name for the workflow.
5. Select a type for the workflow (Event, Scheduled, or Subroutine).
Know that the workflow's type can't be changed once the workflow is created.
An event workflow is a workflow that runs once a specific event has occurred. For example, you can configure an event workflow to run whenever a certain phone number is called.
A scheduled workflow is a workflow that runs on a time interval. For example, you can configure a scheduled workflow to run every Monday morning at 9:00 AM ET.
A subroutine workflow is a workflow that runs within another workflow. It’s common to refer to the subroutine as the child workflow and the workflow that runs the subroutine as the parent workflow. Read Overview: Subroutine workflows to learn more a out this type of workflow.
6. Select a category for the workflow (either Auto Attendant, Customer Engagement, or Function)
Read Overview: Workflow Categories for full descriptions about each category. Below are simple definitions. This category can't be changed once the workflow is created.
The Auto attendant workflow category is for simple or basic workflows.
The Function workflow category is for moderately complex workflows. These workflows might execute simple data lookups or updates alongside routing customers based on time parameters.
The Customer Engagement workflow category is for the most advanced and complex workflows. These workflows conduct self-service routing based on conversational AI, leverage machine learning, and other intelligent tools. This category gives you access to all the workflow modules.
7. Click the Save button.
Check out our library of documentation on workflow modules to learn more about what kind of workflows you can build.