Overview: Modify Points workflow module (Console)

Console > Workflows > Workflow modules > Overview: Modify Points workflow module (Console)

This article provides an overview for the Modify Points workflow module in Console.

In this article


The Modify Points workflow module distinguishes the level of importance among interactions in the same queue. It does this by assigning points to interactions with specific attributes in a workflow.

These points are taken into account during the AID (Automatic Interaction Distribution) process. Any interactions with points will be placed ahead of interactions without points, no matter how long they have been waiting in the queue.

If there are multiple interactions with points assigned, the interaction with a higher point value will be prioritized over interactions with lower point values. And, if there are multiple interactions with the same point value, AID will use other factors like the length of time the interaction has been waiting in the queue to determine which interaction gets distributed first.

There is no limit to the size of the number you choose as long as it is a positive, whole number. 

Tip: We recommend setting point values in units of 10 (e.g. 10, 20, 30, 40, 50…). This makes it easier to keep track of and helps to know how many points to subtract or add to fine-tune your workflow.

Example of a workflow with Modify Points modules.


There are five interactions sent to the Billing Payments queue. 

AID will prioritize routing the interactions within the Billing Payments queue like this: 

From this scenario, you can see that the system prioritizes interactions that have a higher number of points relative to other interactions in the queue. When point values are equal (as in the case of Customer C, D, and E), other metrics are used to determine priority.

Module structure

Below is an explanation for each interior area of the Modify Points module.

Note: The point value entered here must be a positive, whole number.

Use cases

Below are some common uses cases for using the Modify Points Module: