Overview: Send Chat Message workflow module (Console)
Console > Workflows > Workflow modules > Overview: Send Chat Message workflow module (Console)
This article provides an overview of the Send Chat Message workflow module in Console.
In this article
The Send Chat Message workflow module is used to send a chat message in a chat channel in Edify App. This module is most commonly used to alert members of your team of something, like an interaction being created in a queue or a report becoming ready to view.
The Send Chat Message module as it appears in a workflow
The message posted to the channel. Messages sent by the module are sent by the “Control Admin” user.
Use case
You can use the Send Chat Message module in a workflow to alert a subset of people about something happening, like an interaction being created in a queue or a report being ready for review.
For example, if you have a scheduled workflow set to periodically generate a URL to a report with the Export Report module, you can use the Send Chat Message module to alert a channel of stakeholders that the report is ready to view,.
You can use the Send Chat Message module to notify a group of people that the report is ready for viewing.
Visual breakdown
Channel Key: The Channel Key field is where you input which channel the message is posted to. This is a string beginning with “106.” You can find it in the URL bar of Google Chrome while viewing a chat channel when accessing App through the web.
Message: The Message field is where you specify the message that’s published to the channel.