Data source: Interaction User Silence Segments (App)

App > Analytics > Data source: Interaction User Silence Segments (App)

The Interaction User Silence Segments data source is a collection of tables you can use to build interaction user silence segment reports in App.

In this article


The Interaction User Silence Segments data source is one of several data sources available for creating reports in App. To learn more about data sources in general, please see: Overview: Data sources for reports (App).

When there is a period of silence on an interaction where neither the user nor the customer are speaking, it’s recorded as an interaction user silence segment.

With the Interaction User Silence Segments data course, you can create reports that show you periods of silence on interactions.

You can use this data source to retrieve information like: 

Use case

The most commonly created report with this data source is an interaction user silence segment report.

Interaction user silence segment reports are how you view all of the individual user silence segments across all or a subset of your interaction. 

This is useful information when you want to coach your employees on how they handle periods of silence on an interaction.


Contains all of the general information of an interaction.

This information includes the type of interaction, when it was created, when it was completed, who handles it, and several other data points.

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Contains information related to the individual “segments” of user silence on an interaction. 

This information includes when the silence began and ended, and how long it lasted.

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Contains general information for users on your organization’s account.

This information includes users’ name, title, and work contact information.

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