Table: Interactions / Interaction Details (App)
This article contains column documentation for the interactions table in the Analytics workspace in App.
Note: This table appears in several data sources, sometimes having slightly different names and subsets of available columns.
Depending on the data source, this table may appear as:
Interaction Details
Current Interactions
Current Interactions by User
In this article
The Interactions table contains all of the general information of an interaction.
It includes column fields that contain all of the general information for an interaction, like:
When an interaction was created
Whether the interaction was answered by a queue user or not
Whether the interaction was transferred to another location or not
Its handle time
Its wait time
And more
Data sources using this table
This table is included in the following data sources. Click any of the links below to learn more about the data source, including its purpose and any other associated tables.
Column descriptions
This section alphabetically lists and describes each of the columns in the Interactions / Interaction Details table.
Account Id
Contains the identifier for the account associated with the organization that handled the interaction.
Assignee At Completion
Contains the user who was the owner of the interaction upon its completion.
If the interaction didn’t have a user assigned to it upon completion, this value will be blank.
Call Handled At Or Under Sla 30 Seconds Percentage
Contains the total percentage of calls that were taken by a queue user in a queue within 30 seconds.
Call Handled Percentage
Contains the total percentage of calls that have been handled in a queue.
Call Id
Contains the unique identifier of the most recent phone call associated with the interaction.
Communication Type
Contains the current communication type of the interaction. If the interaction is completed, then this shows the communication type of the interaction upon completion.
Communication types include:
Completed User Id
Contains the identifier of the user who completed the interaction.
Completion Display
Contains the message that displays as a pop-up modal and in the feed tab to the queue user based on the completion type and completion value.
Examples include:
Customer ended webchat (the interaction was completed because the customer closed the web chat client by exiting it)
Customer Hang Up (the interaction was completed because the customer hung up the phone call and the queue user is configured to move interactions to completion when the phone call is ended)
Exit no Agents: Voicemail (the interaction was completed because it was processed through an exit no agents experience that routed the customer directly to the queue’s voicemail.)
Exit no Agents: Workflow [workflowName] (the interaction was completed because it was sent through an exit no agents experience that routed the customer to a workflow)
External Transfer Blind (the interaction was completed because it was transferred out of the queue)
Max wait: Voicemail (the interaction was completed because it went through a max wait experience and went to voicemail)
Max wait: Workflow [workflowName] (the interaction was completed because it went through a max wait experience and went to a workflow)
Q Transfer (the interaction was completed because it was transferred to another queue)
Q Transfer [queueName] (the interaction was completed because it was transferred to another queue)
Queue Voicemail (the interaction was completed because it went to the queue voicemail)
User Closed/Resolved (the interaction was completed because the user clicked the “Closed: Resolved” button on the interaction)
User Ended Call (the interaction was completed because the user ended the call)
User Hang Up (the interaction was completed because the user hung up the call)
Completion Time Unix
Contains the time the interaction was completed in Unix format.
Completion Type
Contains the event that resulted in the completion of the interaction.
Completion types include:
channelHangUp (the connection between the parties closed)
endCall (the call ended)
endInteraction (the interaction ended)
exitNoAgents (the interaction ended due to there being no queue users available)
externalTransfer (the interaction ended due to the interaction transferring to a different queue user)
hangUp (the interaction ended due to a party hanging up)
maxWait (the interaction ended because the max wait time for the customer elapsed)
queueVoicemail (the interaction ended because the customer was routed to the queue’s voicemail)
webchatEnd (the interaction ended because the webchat closed)
Completion Value
Contains the person who completed the interaction.
The values you will see here include:
customer (the customer hung up their phone call and that ended the interaction)
*extension number (e.g. *1096) (Contains the interaction was transferred to a user’s extension and that ended the phone call).
user call (the user ended the interaction in some way, like closing and wrapping up the interaction or hanging up the phone call).
Created At
Contains the recorded date and time of when the interaction record was created.
Created At CST
Contains the recorded date and time of when the interaction record was created in Central Standard Time.
Created At EST
Contains the recorded date and time of when the interaction was created in Eastern Standard Time.
Created At MST
Contains the recorded date and time of when the interaction record was created in Mountain Standard Time.
Created At PST
Contains the recorded date and time of when the interaction was created in Pacific Standard Time.
Created From Queue Transfer
Specifies whether the interaction was created through a transfer from another queue.
Contains the values you will see here include:
0 (false, not created from a queue transfer)
1 (true, created from a queue transfer)
Created From Queue Transfer Cancelled
Specifies whether the interaction was created from a queue transfer that was canceled.
Contains the values you will see here include:
0 (false, not created from a canceled queue transfer)
1 (true, created from a canceled queue transfer)
Created From Queue Transfer Type
Specifies the type of queue transfer that created the interaction.
Contains the values you will see here include:
attended (Attended transfer)
attendedConference (Attended transfer with conference)
blind (Blind transfer)
Contains various details related to the interaction in JSON format.
Contains the contents of this field are for additional information about the interaction. These pieces of data are accessible as fields in the report.
Some of the information this object contains includes:
Contact method
Contains the email address of the customer.
End Time
Contains the recorded date and time of when the interaction ended (or was moved to completion status).
Handle Time
Contains the amount of time it took (in seconds) to handle the interaction. This is the amount of time from when the interaction was first answered to when it was completed.
This value is the sum of the wait time, hold time, the interaction time, open status time (if applicable), and the wrap up time.
This value is the sum of the:
Hold time
Interaction time
Time in “Open” status (if applicable)
Wait time
Wrap up time
If an interaction becomes unassigned and moves into an “Open” status, this field also includes the time spent as open.
Hold Time
Contains the amount of time (in seconds) the caller spent on hold.
This field specifically tracks the amount of time a caller spent on hold after being connected to a user and then being placed on hold by the user.
Inbound Number
Contains the phone number that the other party dialed to create the interaction.
Inbound Number Name
Contains the name of the phone number that the other party dialed to create the interaction.
Initial Communication Type
Contains the communication type upon creation of the interaction.
Communication types include:
Initial Subcomm Type
Contains the sub communication type upon creation of the interaction.
Initial sub communication types include:
Interaction Id
Contains the unique identifier for the interaction associated with the interaction record.
Is Abandoned
Specifies whether the interaction was abandoned or not. An abandoned interaction is an interaction that ended before a user could answer it.
Contains the values you will see here include:
0 (false, not abandoned)
1 (true, abandoned)
Is Abandoned Over Sla 30 Seconds
Specifies whether the interaction was abandoned after the initial 30 seconds from its creation.
Contains the values you will see here include:
0 (false, not abandoned over SLA 30 seconds)
1 (true, abandoned over SLA 30 seconds)
Is Abandoned Under Sla 30 Seconds
Specifies whether the interaction was abandoned under the 30 second SLA or not.
Contains the values you will see here include:
0 (false, not abandoned under SLA 30 seconds)
1 (true, abandoned under SLA 30 seconds)
Is Answered
Specifies whether a newly created inbound interaction has been answered by a user or not.
Contains the values you will see here include:
0 (false, not answered)
1 (true, answered)
Note: This field only tracks newly created interactions. For example, if an interaction is transferred back into a queue to wait for another user to adopt it, this field does not reflect the interaction as being unanswered.
Is Answered At Or Under Sla 30 Seconds
Specifies whether the interaction was answered within 30 seconds of its creation.
Contains the values you will see here include:
0 (false, not answered in 30 seconds)
1 (true, answered in 30 seconds or less)
Is Completed
Specifies whether the interaction has been completed or not.
Contains the values you will see here include:
0 (false, not completed)
1 (true, completed)
Is Connected
Specifies whether the interaction was connected to a user. An interaction that has connected is the opposite of an interaction that has been abandoned.
Note that this field does not record whether an interaction is actively connected. Rather, it shows whether the interaction has ever been connected.
Contains the values you will see here include:
0 (false, not connected)
1 (true, connected)
Is Exit No Agents
Specifies whether the interaction was closed due to there being no queue users in the queue.
Once an interaction is created in a queue, the system immediately checks the queue to answer two questions:
Are there queue users logged into the queue?
If there are queue users logged into the queue, do they have their queue (AID) status set to allow them to handle an interaction?
If the answer to one or both of the above questions is “no”, and if the queue is configured to have an exit no agents experience, then the interaction is sent through the exit no agent experience.
Contains the values you will see here include:
0 (false, did not exit due to no queue users)
1 (true, exited due to no queue users)
Is Interaction Dequeue
Specifies whether the interaction was de-queued.
Contains the values you will see here include:
0 (false, not dequeued)
1 (true, dequeued)
Is Max Wait
Specifies whether the interaction went through a maximum wait experience. A max wait experience occurs when a queue is configured to route a customer to an alternate location if they wait more than a specified amount of time waiting to connect with a user in a queue.
Contains the values you will see here include:
0 (false, interaction did not reach the max wait time)
1 (true, interaction reached the max wait time)
Last Updated At
Contains the recorded date and time of when the interaction was last modified.
Linked Ids
Contains the Contains various identifiers for other objects related to the interaction (workflows, workflow sessions, etc.).
This field can also contain identifiers for historical objects on the interaction.
For example, if multiple users have handled the interaction, this field will list all the userIds of the users who worked on the interaction.
This field could include identifiers for:
Workflow sessions
Workflow versions
Person sessions
Person phone sessions
Person phone SMS sessions
Person web chat sessions
Users who previously handled the interaction
Salesforce objects
Zendesk objects
Linked Interaction Id
Contains a linked interaction ID from the Linked Ids field if there is a linked interaction.
Contains the name of the customer.
Contains the notes associated with the interaction.
Contains the phone number of the customer on the interaction.
Person Phone Session Id
Contains the unique identifier of the phone session associated with the interaction.
If an interaction has multiple person phone sessions that you want to view, see the LinkedIds field.
Person Session Id
Contains the unique identifier of the person session associated with the interaction.
If an interaction has multiple person sessions you want to view, see the LinkedIds field.
Person SMS Session Id
Contains the unique identifier of the SMS session associated with the interaction.
If an interaction has multiple person SMS sessions that you want to view, see the LinkedIds field.
Person Webchat Session Id
Contains the unique identifier of the web chat session associated with the interaction.
If an interaction has multiple person web chat sessions that you want to view, see the LinkedIds field.
Phone Number
Contains the phone number of the customer on the interaction.
Contains the number of points assigned to the interaction.
Queue Id
Contains the unique identifier of the queue associated with the interaction upon completion.
This is the final queue that was hosting the interaction once it was completed.
If an interaction has been transferred between multiple queues, you can view all of the queue Ids of the interaction in the LinkedIds field.
Contains the result of the interaction as defined by the user.
Routing Details
Contains various pieces of data related to the interaction (inbound phone number, inbound name, etc.).
Routing Details Email
Contains the email address from the Routing Details field if the Routing Details field contains an email address.
Silence Total
Contains the total amount of time (in seconds) where there was silence (no audio) on an interaction call.
Source Details
Contains various pieces of data related to the source of the interaction, including the name of the customer, the phone number, etc., in JSON format.
Speed to Abandoned
Contains the amount of time (in seconds) for the call to become abandoned (not answered).
Speed to Answer
Contains the wait time (in seconds) for the customer before being answered by a queue user.
Speed to DeQueue
Contains the amount of time (in seconds) for an interaction to leave a queue after entering the queue.
For example, an interaction that transfers to another queue is considered as being dequeued from its original queue.
Start Time
Contains the recorded date and time of when the interaction was first accepted by the user (or the moment the interaction first changed to “Connected” status).
Sub Communication Type
Contains the sub communication type of the interaction. If the interaction is completed, it is the sub communication type upon completion.
Sub communication types include:
Contains the subject of the interaction. Contains the system provides a default value, but it can also be modified by the user.
Tag Details
A list of tags associated with the interaction.
If there aren’t any tags associated with the interaction, then you’ll see a blank value.
Time Interacting
Contains the amount of time spent (in seconds) the interaction spent either in:
“Open” status; or
Connected to a user.
This value does not include wait time, hold time, or wrap up time.
Contains the time zone that all dates and times are recorded in for the interaction.
Note: This value is almost always “UTC”.
Total Duration
Contains the total amount of time (in seconds) the interaction was in an “Open” status.
Total Duration Email
Contains the total amount of time (in seconds) the interaction was in an “Open” status with a communication type of “Email.”
Total Duration Messaging
Contains the total amount of time (in seconds) the interaction was in an “Open” status with a communication type of “Messaging.”
Total Duration Phone
Contains the total amount of time (in seconds) the interaction was in an “Open” status with a communication type of “Phone.”
Total Duration Phone Inbound
Contains the total amount of time (in seconds) the interaction was:
In an “Open” status; and
Had a communication type of “Phone”; and
Contains the time spent on the phone was during an inbound call to the user.
Total Duration Phone Outbound
Contains the total amount of time (in seconds) the interaction was:
In an “Open” status; and
Had a communication type of “Phone”; and
Contains the time spent on the phone was during an outbound call to the customer.
Total Duration Task
Contains the total amount of time (in seconds) the interaction was in an “Open” status with a communication type of “Task.”
Transfer Count
Contains the total number of times the interaction was transferred. If the interaction has not been transferred, this value will be 0.
Contains the type of interaction as defined by the user.
Updated By
Contains the user who last modified the interaction record.
This field specifically tracks the last user to have modified an interaction in any way. When an interaction is first completed, this field shows the user that completed the interaction. If a user modifies the interaction later, they will appear as the user to have last modified the interaction
This field will continue to update with the name of the user that makes any edits to the completed interaction.
User Id
Contains the unique identifier of the user associated with the interaction record.
View Interaction
Contains a link to open the interaction.
Upon clicking the View Interaction button, the system directs you to the Queue workspace and opens the interaction for you to view it.
Wait Time
Contains the total amount of time (in seconds) an interaction spent in any of the following statuses:
Workflow Sessionid - Interaction Creator
Contains the identifier of the workflow session that created the interaction (if the interaction was created by a workflow).
If an interaction was not created by a workflow, this value is blank.
Wrap Up Time
Contains the amount of time (in seconds) it took the queue user to complete the wrap up process. This time period starts when the call enters wrap up. This can be triggered by a user clicking “Complete - Resolved” or either party hanging up the interaction (if hanging up triggers wrap up).