Create a report to retrieve a variable set from a workflow (App)

App > Analytics > Report library > Create a report to retrieve a variable set from a workflow (App)

This article explains how to create a report to retrieve a variable set from a workflow in App. A variable set is a list of variables created during a workflow session.


See the screenshot below for an example of the completed report. This report uses the Workflow Sessions data source. Continue reading this section for steps on how to create the report.

The screenshot below is an example of what the finished report looks like.

1. Log into App at

2. Navigate to Analytics.

3. Click the New Report button in the top-right corner of the screen.

4. Provide a name for the report in the pop-up modal and choose the Workflow Sessions data source.

Once you’ve created the report, you’re ready to build the report. This is where you’ll add the appropriate columns for this type of report and configure the groups and filters needed to retrieve a variable set in a workflow.

5. Add the following columns to the report:

6. Click the Filters button to add a filter to the report.

7. Add a dynamic filter for Workflow containing the specific workflow you want to retrieve a variable set from. For example, create a rule with these parameters:

Workflow ID == {{workflowID}}

8. Click the Build button in the top-right corner of the screen. Then, click the Save button.

9. The final report should look like the screenshot below.

To switch between workflows, choose a workflow from the dynamic workflowId dropdown menu. Expanding the Data column reveals the variables contained in the workflow session.