Create a report to show the number of interactions waiting in a queue (App)

App > Analytics > Report library > Create a report to show the number of interactions waiting in a queue (App)

This article explains how to create a report to show the number of interactions waiting to be connected to a queue user in App.

This type of report is most often used to create big number charts to show in dashboards. For more information, see: Create a big number chart (App)


See the screenshot below for an example of the completed report. This report uses the Interaction data source.

Continue reading this section for steps on how to create the report.

1. Log into App at

2. Navigate to Analytics.

3. Click the New Report button in the top-right corner of the screen.

4. Provide a name for the report in the pop-up modal and choose the Interaction data source.

Once you’ve created the report, you’re ready to configure the columns and filters to retrieve the number of interactions waiting in a queue.

5. In the Columns tab, search for and select the Interaction Id field.

6. With the Interaction Id column added to the report, click Filters.

7. In the filter dropdown, select Queue Id.

8. In the queue dropdown menu that appears, select the queue you want to show waiting interactions for. In this example, we’ll use a queue called “Documentation Queue 1”.

9. Click the Add Rule button to add another filter rule.

10. In the second filter rule, click the dropdown and select Current Status.

11. In the Enter string field, type “open” (to retrieve all interactions in an open status).

12. Click the cog icon next to the Interaction Id field in the left sidebar.

13. Add the Count function (under aggregates) to the column. Then, click Apply.

14. Click the tool icon in the top-right corner of the screen to preview the report.

15. Click the save icon in the top-right corner of the screen to save the report.

If the queue you’re making the report for doesn’t have any active interactions, the results will appear blank like in the screenshot below.

The screenshot below shows what this report would look like with interactions waiting in a queue. In this example, one call is waiting to be connected to a queue user. The number will increase and decrease when the report refreshes and re-checks the queue for open interactions.