Configure a user's queue settings for general interactions (Console)
This article explains how to configure a user’s queue settings for general interactions in Console.
In Console, it’s possible to manage a user’s queue settings that pertain specifically to inbound interactions, outbound interactions, and all interactions in general.
This article explains how to configure queue settings that apply to all interactions in general.
Use this article when you want to:
Enable or disable Multi AID
Configure Multi AID Method
Configure Max Missed Interaction Count
Enable or disable Mobile Acceptance Prompt
Enable or disable Team View Admin
Enable or disable AID Process Status Type Override
Enable or disable the Change Comm Type Modal
Configure the Comm Type Change Timeout
Configure user’s spaces
3. Select the user whose queue settings you want to modify.
4. Navigate to the Queue container.
5. Click the pencil icon in the top-right corner of the container and edit any of the following settings:
Multi AID
Multi AID Method
Max Missed Interaction Count
Mobile Acceptance Prompt
Team View Admin
AID Process Status Type Override
Change Comm Type Modal
Comm Type Change Timeout
6. Click Save to save your changes or the x button in the top-right corner to cancel.