Overview: Fax Number Permissions container in Users (Console)

Console  > Account > Users > Overview: Fax number permissions for users (Console)

This article explains the fax number permissions for users configurable in Console.


The Fax Number Permission container lets you assign a user access to specific fax numbers provisioned to your account. Users with an assigned fax number can manage fax communications through the fax workspace in the softphone and/or can manage fax communications in the interaction workspace if they are a queue user.

In Console, navigate to Account > Users > [User] > Fax Number Permission container.


Assigning fax numbers to a user means they can only manage fax communications through the assigned numbers. If you don’t assign specific fax numbers to a user, the user can manage fax communications with any of the fax numbers on your account.

Visual breakdown

Search (A)

Use the Search bar to search for fax numbers in the Available Fax Numbers list by Fax Name.

Available Fax Numbers list (B)

The Available Fax Numbers list displays all of the fax numbers provisioned to your account. Once you’ve selected a fax number from this list, it automatically moves to the Assigned Fax Numbers list. There’s no limit to how many fax numbers you can assign to a user.

Assigned Fax Numbers list (C)

The Assigned Fax Numbers list displays all of the assigned fax numbers that this user can manage through the system. Once a fax number is assigned, the user has access to managing both inbound and outbound fax communication for that number. There isn’t a limit to the number of fax numbers that you can assign to a user.