Overview: Queue permissions container in Users (Console)

Console  > Account > Users > Overview: Queue permissions container in Users (Console)

This article explains the Queue Permissions container in Users in Console.


In Console, the Queue Permissions container in the Users workspace is where you assign users access to queues. This is also where you can set whether a user automatically logs into the queue for the first time or if the user has to manually log into the queue.

Note: Queue permissions are not able to be modified if a user was created with a template. Instead, the permissions have to be modified in the template itself.

In Console, navigate to Account > Users > [User] > Queue Permissions container.

Visual breakdown


The Search bar lets you search for a specific queue from the Queue Name List. As you type, results appear based on each character entered.

Sort arrows

Click the sort arrows to sort the list. You can sort by the following:


The Name column displays the name of the queue.


The Access column is where you manage the user’s access for each queue. There are two access levels: Enabled and Disabled.

Auto Login

The Auto Login column lets you choose if a user is automatically logged into a queue when they enable their CX status.