Overview: Queues Logged Into container in Users (Console)

Console  > Account > Users > Overview: Queues logged into (Console)

This article provides an overview of the queues logged into containers in the Users workspace of Console.


The Queues Logged Into container lets you view details about the queues a user is actively logged into, like the name of the queue and when they last logged into the queue. It also lets you manually log a user out of any queues they are logged into.

In Console, navigate to Account > Users > [User] > Queues Logged Into container.

If a queue user is managing an interaction when they are logged out of a queue, the user remains connected to the interaction until it is completed or ownership is transferred. They will not receive any additional interactions in that queue until they log back in.

Similarly, if the queue user is in “Pending” status with an interaction when they are logged out of a queue the system continues to ring that user for their full ring time. If the agent declines the pending interaction the interaction will be routed elsewhere and will not ring the user again. If the agent accepts the pending interaction, they can manage it through to completion. They will not receive any additional interactions in that queue until they log back in.

If a queue user is logged out of a queue while managing an interaction in that queue, the interaction will not be displayed in the Home List. However, the interaction will still be listed in Team View, if they are part of a team.

Visual breakdown


The Search bar lets you search for a specific queue by name. As you type, results appear based on each character entered. Only queues the user is currently logged into will appear.

Sort arrows

Click the sort arrows to sort the list. You can sort by the following:


The Name column displays the names of the queues that the user is actively logged into.

Login Time

The Login Time column displays the date and time for when the user logged into each queue.

Logout button

The Logout button lets you log the selected user out of a queue. Once the user is logged out of the queue, they will no longer receive any new interactions. Interactions that are currently in progress aren’t affected.

Use Case

Suppose you are training a queue user to handle interactions in the Documentation queue 1, a queue that handles complex troubleshooting questions. You tell the user to log into the Documentation queue 1 and the queue user immediately receives an interaction.

Since this is the queue user’s first time handling an interaction in the Documentation 1 queue, you do not want them to get overwhelmed by receiving more interactions once the current interaction is complete. You also want to have time to review how the queue user handled the interaction once it is complete. 

To prevent the user from receiving additional interactions in the queue, you log the user out of the queue by clicking Logout > Confirm Logout in the Queues Logged Into container while the user is handling the live interaction. This guarantees that the user will not be sent any more interactions.