Overview: Calculate Sentiment module (Console)

Console > Workflows > Workflow modules > Overview: Calculate Sentiment workflow module (Console)

This article explains the Calculate Sentiment workflow module in Console.

In this article


The Calculate Sentiment workflow module is used to evaluate the emotional outcome for one or both parties on an interaction. 

This module processes a call transcript and analyzes the data for keywords and phrases that indicate the emotional levels of the interaction between queue user and caller.

Common use cases for the Calculate Sentiment module include:

How it works

The Calculate Sentiment module can gauge the emotional sentiment for:

In order to use this module to calculate the sentiment of an interaction, you’ll need to use the transcribe module to convert a phone call to text. Once the call has been transcribed, the module analyzes each word in the transcription and determines the overall emotional tone of the conversation.

For example, imagine that your workflow is set up to send an automated email using a Send Email module after each interaction. The email asks the customer to complete a satisfaction survey. You notice that there is a high rate of dissatisfied customers leaving your Billing queue. So, you decide to investigate by creating a quick Analyzing Call Sentiment workflow that runs on Wrap Up status in the Billing Queue.

 Here’s the linear flow of the triggered workflow:

After the workflow runs, you can review the sentiment scores by viewing the Customer Journey tab on the interaction or by creating a report to view the sentiment scores.

Visual breakdown

Exterior structure

This is the exterior of the Calculate Sentiment module. All modules share this same structure.

Read the Overview: Workflow module structure article to take a deeper dive into each of these components.

Interior structure

Below is the deep dive explanation for the interior area of the Calculate Sentiment module.