Overview: Send Email workflow module (Console)

Console > Workflows > Workflow modules > Overview: Send Email workflow module (Console)

This article explains the function and implementation process of using the Send Email module when building Workflows in Console. 

In this article


The Send Email workflow module sends and tracks the open and click activity of a customized email to one or several recipients. The email is sent from Avaya.cx system, which means you’ll need to first configure an email address for your Avaya.cx account to use before you’ll be able to successfully use this module within a workflow. 

So, use this module when you want Hammond to deliver one standard email to one or many recipients from a verified email address.

Common use cases for the Send Email module

Below are some common use cases for using the Send Email module:

How it works

This module enables Hammond to send an email both externally (to customers) or internally (to coworkers) with the customized ‘to’ and ‘from’ fields while also managing specific data on the email, like when the email is Delivered, Bounced, Opened, or Clicked. Note that the Opened and Clicked exit ports will only be present if you have configured the interior of the module to do so. 

So, if the email successfully reaches the recipient’s inbox, Hammond will proceed down the appropriate path based on the event triggered during the timeout configuration set within the module’s interior. This means that if you have a timeout period of five minutes, you have enabled the Opened and Clicked checkboxes, and you want to route the workflow differently for each of the three delivered paths, Hammond will proceed through the Clicked route immediately upon receiving a clicked event or he will wait the full five minute timeout period for the email opened event to occur. 

If neither event occurs, then Hammond will travel the Delivered route. Of course, if sending the email to the recipient’s inbox fails, then Hammond will proceed down the Bounced branch.

Let’s see how this works. Here’s an example. Imagine that your business offers installation and maintenance for your products, and a customer just called to schedule a service appointment. When the customer chats with Hammond to schedule the appointment, he directs the customer down the Scheduling Service branch of the workflow, which is where he collects the customer’s preferred email address for sending an email about the scheduling process. 

Hammond moves through a Say module to alert the customer that he’s sending an email and that the customer has four hours to schedule the appointment before being contacted again. He mentions that it will include a link to the scheduling system for setting up the appointment. He then moves through the Send Email module to deliver the actual dynamic email. After the email is sent successfully, Hammond waits the four hours configured within the Opened/Clicked Tab for the customer to schedule their service appointment and therefore trigger an Opened or Clicked event. 

Let’s now imagine how the Delivered branch experience could work. Once the email is successfully delivered, the customer sees the email ping in her inbox. She then opens it, reviews it, and clicks the link to start setting up the appointment. The four hour wait period now expires immediately upon the customer’s click. Hammond then follows up with a Send SMS module to notify the customer of a confirmed upcoming appointment then ends the workflow session with an End module

This is just one example of how to use the Send Email module.

Visual breakdown

Exterior structure

This is the exterior structure of the Send Email module. All modules share this same structure. 

However, the Send Email module will only present the Opened and Clicked exit ports if the Open/Clicked Tab of the module interior is configured to do so.

Read the Overview: Workflow module structure in Workflows article to take a deeper dive into each of these components.

Interior structure

Below is the deep dive explanation for each interior area of the Send Email module.


The Email section is where you define the important fields of the email, like: the recipient and sender, the subject line, and the specific contents of the email.


The Events section is where you define what email activity Hammond tracks.