Overview: Say workflow module (Console)

Console > Workflows > Workflow modules > Overview: Say workflow module (Console)

This article provides an overview of the Say module in workflows in Console.

In this article


The Say workflow module is a tool used for communicating messages to customers. It works for both phone and messaging (SMS and web chat) interactions.

For phone interactions, you can configure the Say module to recite text (through text-to-speech functionality) or play an audio file. For messaging and web chat interactions, you can configure the Say module to send a predefined message to the customer.

Below are some common use cases for using the Say module:

Continue reading this article to learn more about how the Say module works.

How it works

The Say module enables you to communicate information to customers for phone call, messaging, and web chat interactions.

When a workflow reaches the Say module, it detects the customer’s communication type and returns the appropriate prompt that you configured for the module (the phone prompt for phone interactions, the messaging prompt for messaging interactions, etc.). 

For example, you might configure the greeting for a voice caller to be “Thank you for calling” while having the messaging greeting be “Thank you for messaging.”

It’s common to configure multiple prompt options to use when engaging with the customer. This tends to create a more welcoming, natural experience for the customer. For example, for voice interactions, one prompt could be “Hi there, thanks for calling,” while another prompt is “Greetings, thanks for calling our team.” One of the prompts will be randomly selected, so your customers that contact you often are less likely to experience the same prompt repeatedly.

Text to speech

The Say module can synthesize speech in 40+ languages and variants. With text to speech, you:

In this example, the Say module is configured to recite a message (Good day. How can I help you?) in Italian with the voice option of  “Male 1” via text-to-speech

Audio files

With phone calls, instead of using text-to-speech, you can opt to provide an audio file to play for the user. There are two types of audio files the Say module can play:

Read more about static audio files and dynamic audio files in the visual breakdown section below.

Visual breakdown

Exterior structure

This is the exterior structure of a Say module. All modules share this same structure.  

Reference the Overview: Workflow modules article to take a deeper dive into each of these components.

Interior structure

Below is the deep dive explanation for each interior area of the Say module. 

General settings

Phone prompts

The Phone prompt section is where you define the prompts to be used for phone interactions. The fields available to you configure depend on which prompt type you select: Text, Audio, or Dynamic Audio.

Note: You can combine different prompt types in the same module. In the annotated screenshot, there’s an Audio prompt combined with a text prompt. When the workflow runs, the system randomly selects one from the list to use. Don’t add more than one prompt if you only want the same prompt to run each time. 

An example of a Say module with an audio prompt (annotated orange) and a text prompt (annotated green).

An example of a workflow using a webhook to play a Dynamic Audio file in the Say module.

In the Webhook module, you can create a variable for the sound file you want to use.

You can use the variable from the Webhook module to play the dynamic audio file.

Messaging prompts

For messaging interactions, the prompts provided by the Say module are comparably simpler than those for phone interactions. For messaging interactions, you can simply provide text that will be sent to the customer. You can also add multiple prompts that the system will randomly choose (the same way the phone prompts function). Note that whatever is typed into the messaging prompt is exactly what is sent to the customer.

Note: Though the Text prompt appears as a dropdown selector, the only option available is Text.