Overview: Wait Period workflow module (Console)

Console > Workflows > Workflow modules > Overview: Wait Period workflow module (Console)

This article provides an overview of the Time Control workflow module in Console.

In this article


The Wait Period workflow module gives you the ability to put a configurable pause in your workflow. There are two types of wait periods you can put into a workflow:

Waiting for a specified period of time to elapse means to give the Wait Period module a predefined length of time (e.g. 30 seconds). In this scenario, when the workflow reached the Wait Period module, it would do nothing for 30 seconds. Once the 30 seconds had elapsed, the workflow would continue down its path.

Waiting for an event to complete means waiting until an action (usually initiated in a previous module) completes before continuing. For example, if you use the Update module to update a CRM or database, you could use the Wait module to instruct the workflow to wait until the database update has completed before proceeding.

The Wait Period module lets you pause a workflow for seconds, minutes, hours, or days.

Common use cases

Below are some common uses cases for using the Wait Period module:


This section contains a breakdown of each configurable option in the Wait Period module.


The Label field is where you provide a description for the workflow module. This appears on the workflow module in the workflow editor.

Wait For Event

The Wait For Event toggle is where you define whether the module waits for an ongoing action to complete before proceeding. 

Waiting for an event to complete means waiting until an action (usually initiated in a previous module) completes before continuing. For example, if you use the Update module to update a CRM or database, you could use the Wait module to instruct the workflow to wait until the database update has completed before proceeding.

In contrast, waiting for a specified period of time to elapse means to give the Wait Period module a predefined length of time (e.g. 30 seconds). In this scenario, when the workflow reached the Wait Period module, it would do nothing for 30 seconds. Once the 30 seconds had elapsed, the workflow would continue down its path.

Time To Wait / Max Time To Wait

The Time To Wait toggle, called the Max Time To Wait toggle when “Wait For Event” is enabled, defines the amount of time for the Wait Period module to wait for.

Time dropdown menu

The Time dropdown menu is where you select the measurement of time for the Wait Period module to wait. Options include: