Overview: Connections container in Users (Console)

Console  > Account > Users > Overview: User CRM settings (Console)

This article describes integrations you can make between a user’s account and their specific CRM (customer relationship management) accounts (like Salesforce or Zendesk).


The Connections container is where you can connect a user to an account in a CRM like Salesforce or Zendesk. This is where you can view and modify the user’s userId for the appropriate CRM solution.

In Console, navigate to Account > Users > [User] > Connections container.

You should only modify the Connections container if you’ve already integrated your account with a third-party CRM. Before using this container, successfully integrate your CRM with your account under the Integrations workspace in Console.

Once you’ve connected your account to your CRM(s), refer to the user’s ID from the CRM solution and update this container with that UserID.

By adding the UserID into this container, you are allowing the system and the CRM to share data between the two systems. This means that by creating this connection, you can more easily manipulate data between your account and your CRM system through workflows. Workflows can simplify and streamline the process of pushing and pulling data from either system to add or modify records.

Container breakdown

Connection Name (A)

The Connection Name field display the name of the CRM or database solution you have integrated with your account. Salesforce and Zendesk are the two, standard options that can’t be removed from this container, though you are not required to enter a corresponding Connection ID with either. For custom database connections, this field can be modified. 

Connection ID (B)

The Connection ID field is where you can link a specific user’s instance or license to the desired, connected CRM or custom database solution. If you don’t want to connect a user to your connected CRM or custom database, leave this field blank. 

Delete (C)

The delete button allows you to remove a connection from the selected user. Clicking this button both removes the connection from the user as well as removes the fields from the container. You can’t, however, delete the Salesforce or Zendesk line items. 

+Add (D)

The +Add button allows you to add another line item including a blank Connection Name and Connection ID field for you to add another CRM or database connection to the selected user’s profile.