Overview: E911 settings (Console)

Console  > Account > Users > Overview: E911 settings (Console)

This article provides an overview of the E911 settings available in Console.

We strongly recommend that you always have the E911 location match a user’s present physical location. The E911 location is how 911 dispatchers can determine a user’s location if they’re unable to communicate it verbally.


In Console, E911 settings allow you to configure a user’s:

You can configure E911 settings for an individual user in their user settings configuration page (Account > Users).

Configure E911 settings for an individual user in Console by navigating to (Account > Users > [User] > Basic container).

E911 Location

The E911 Location user setting provides the user’s physical location to 911 dispatchers (the emergency telephone number in North America) if a user dials 911. The E911 location should match the location where the employee works (office building, home etc). This is particularly important if a user dials 911, but is unable to communicate their location verbally.

We strongly recommend that you always have the E911 location match a user’s present physical location.

E911 Location in App

If employees have a hybrid work schedule and work remotely and in the office, the user can change their location in App based on their current location.

In App, navigate to (Account Settings > Edit Profile > Call Settings > Voice container > Location field).

The E911 Location dropdown in Console, and the Location dropdown in App, show a list of all the locations configured on your organization’s account. If no locations appear in this list, or if the correct location doesn’t appear, you need to add a location to your account.

E911 Recommendations

When E911 Recommendations are enabled, the system compares the physical location of the user, indicated by the user’s IP address, to the location defined in the E911 Location field to ensure that they match. If they do not match, the system displays an alert message to the user. 

The user’s physical location is checked against their assigned location 10 minutes after the initial login. Then, the check continues every five minutes.

Example of an E911 Location Recommendation alert.

The user can click on the alert to:

If your account has locations configured with IP Groups containing IP addresses, the system recommends a location based on the list of available locations configured in Console. If you don’t have any IP Groups tied to a location, the system provides a list of all locations configured on your account.

Example of the modal that appears when a user clicks on the E911 Location Recommendation alert.

E911 Recommendations can be set for all users on an account or for specific users on an account in Console.

Enable E911 Recommendations for all users

You can enable E911 Recommendations for all users on your account from the Account Settings page (Account > Account Settings). When toggled on, the account-level setting for E911 Recommendations overrides the individual user’s setting for E911 Recommendations. When toggled off, the users’ individual settings take priority.

Set E911 Recommendations for all users on your account in Console by navigating to (Account > Account Settings > Settings container.

For example, if you have some users with E911 Recommendations turned on and some with it turned off and you activate the account-wide E911 Recommendations toggle, all users (regardless of individual setting) will have E911 recommendations enabled. If you turn the account-wide toggle off, the users’ individual settings will again determine whether the user receives recommendations.

Enable E911 Recommendations for specific users

You can enable E911 Recommendations for specific users in the Basic container of a user's settings.

Set E911 Recommendations for a particular user in Console by navigating to (Account > Users > [User] > Basic container.