Overview: Objects (Console)

Console > Objects > Overview: Objects (Console)

This article provides an overview of the Objects workspace in Console.

In this article


In Console, the Objects workspace is where you can create and modify data objects. A data object is a digital container that holds specific pieces of information about something, like a customer, a company, or an interaction. 


The objects you create and modify in the Objects workspace are blueprints for creating future records of customers, companies, interactions, and more. 

The Objects workspace in Console is where you can create data objects. A data objects is a digital container that holds specific pieces of information about something, like a customer, a company, or an interaction.

If you click one of the objects in the Objects workspace, you’ll be presented with a page with three tabs:

Note: Interactions don’t support Triggers, so the Triggers tab isn’t included. 

Read the sections below to learn more about the Details, Fields, and Triggers sections. 


The Details tab of an object shows basic information about the object. 

See the list below for a breakdown of what each of the fields in the Object container means. 


The Fields tab of an object shows the type of information contained by the object. 

Each field contains the following properties: 


The Triggers tab of an object shows what triggers are configured for the object. Though, you may be wondering: What is a trigger?

A trigger is an action that takes place when a condition occurs. In other words, when an object is created, modified, or deleted, a trigger can execute a workflow to automatically do something. 

An example of a trigger.

When you click on an existing trigger (or when you click the New Trigger button in the top-right corner of the screen), a panel flies out from the right of the screen. This is where you can create or modify a trigger. 

Read more

Creating an object

To learn more about creating an object, see: Create an object (Console).

Note: It’s not possible to delete an object.

More about fields

To learn more about adding, modifying, or removing object fields, see the articles listed below: 

More about triggers

To learn more about adding, modifying, or remove object fields, see the articles listed below: