Overview: Start Recording and Stop Recording workflow modules (Console)
Console > Workflows > Workflow modules > Overview: Start Recording and Stop Recording workflow modules (Console)
This article explains the Start Recording and Stop Recording workflow modules in Console.
In this article
The Start Recording and Stop Recording workflow modules create an audio recording file for voice interactions between a live agent and a customer or between Hammond and the customer.
So, use these modules together in a workflow to alert Hammond when to start recording and stop recording a phone call.
Common use cases for the Start Recording and Stop Recording modules
Below are some common use cases for using the Recording modules:
Compliance: When you need to record only a small portion of the voice interaction between a queue user and a customer.
Sentiment analysis: When you want to gauge the customer's sentiment/satisfaction of an interaction and the queue isn’t configured to record every call.
Training: When you want to record specific parts of a voice interactions to use as training opportunities or examples.
How it works
When used together, these modules enable Hammond to record all or some of a phone call. You can place the Start Recording module at the very beginning of your workflow, or somewhere in the middle, as long as you also place a Stop Recording module prior to ending the workflow.
Hammond only records the conversation that occurs between the two modules.
Here is an example of how you can use these modules in a workflow. Your lending department records all calls sent to their queue. Your business updated the disclaimer policy, and now your quality assurance (QA) team needs to review all disclaimers to ensure the queue users are reading them appropriately.
Instead of sorting through hours of audio, your team decides to create a separate recording snippet for just this part of the call. This means that the agents will need to record a snippet of the call and the system needs to send this snippet to a special inbox for the QA team to review.
This is how it works. Once the queue user is ready to read the disclaimer, they trigger the snippet recording workflow to run. From there, the customer and the agent hear the prompt from Hammond (Say module) that the recording has begun. (Start Recording module) Then, the agent proceeds through the prompts on the screen and enters the customer’s consent to the disclaimer into the form (Dynamic Scripting modules).
Once the reading of the disclaimer is complete, and the agent collected the customer’s consent, the agent checks off that the disclaimer is complete. The recording of the call ends. (Stop Recording Module) The snippet recording renders (Wait Period module).
Hammond then prompts everyone on the call that the recording has stopped. (Say Module). The audio file is captured and attached to an email that’s sent to the QA’s inbox (Send Email module). The snippet recording workflow is now complete and the email is delivered, so the workflow session ends (End module).
The agent proceeds through the remainder of the interaction as usual.
Visual breakdown
Exterior structure
This is the exterior of the Start Recording and Stop Recording modules. All modules share this same structure.
Read the Overview: Workflow module structure in Workflows article to take a deeper dive into each of these components.
Interior structure for the Start Recording module
Below is the deep dive explanation for the interior area of the Start Recording module.
Label: The Label field is where you can enter a name for the module. This name can be seen from the workflow overview to quickly know the purpose of the module without needing to open it.
Recording Name: The Recording Name field is where you can enter a custom name for the recording. This name is what the recording is saved and stored as in the event you need to access it again in the future.
Direction: The Direction menu is where you can select which party to record. The options in this menu are: ‘Received’ (customer), ‘Transceive’ (queue user), or ‘All’ (both customer and queue user).
Create Access Key: The Create Access Key toggle is how you enable/disable the creation of an access key for the recording if needed. An access key is a form of authorization credentials used to gain access to the recording file.
Access Key Timeout (A): The Access Key Timeout field is where you can designate the length of time that the recording can be accessed before the authorization expires. Enter this number as a positive, whole number.
Access Key Timeout Unit (B): Use the Access Key Timeout menu to select the unit of time used for measuring the authorization, or period of time that you can access the recording. The menu includes the following options: ‘Seconds’, ‘Minutes’, ‘Hours’, ‘Days’, or ‘Years’.
Interior structure for the Stop Recording module
The Stop Recording module serves the purpose of stopping a recording that a Start Recording module has initiated. Therefore, this module doesn’t have a configurable interior other than modifying the module’s label.